9 Common Mental Health Challenges

mental health challenges

What Are The Most Common Mental Health Challenges Feeling good emotionally is as crucial as physical health, yet most people experience mental health challenges at one time or another in their lives. Often their mental health needs do not receive the same attention and care. Recognizing and addressing mental health challenges is key to improving […]

Supporting Loved Ones Through Challenges

supporting loved ones

Supporting Loved Ones Through Mental Health Challenges: Tips and Resources Supporting loved ones who have mental illness or addiction is exhausting and sometimes painful. You want to do everything you can, but often fail to give yourself the help your need to manage your own feelings. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or partner, here […]

Dating With Mental Health Issues…

dating with mental health issues

Dating With Mental Health Issues: What To Do And Say Dating with mental health issues has its own challenges. If you are single and brave enough to forge the dating world, I salute you. Dating is difficult — full stop. The constant mismatching, rejection, self-doubt, and disappointment can be enough to deter the strongest of […]

Why Mental Health And Behavioral Health Confuse You

Mental health behavioral health

Mental Health And Behavioral Health Shouldn’t Have To Confuse You Since Covid we’ve gotten even more confused about the difference between Mental Health and Behavioral Health. But the terms shouldn’t drive us crazy. Mental health, behavioral health, and mental illness are not taught the way physical health is. It means you probably know your family […]

Challenges Of High Functioning Mental Illness

high functioning mental illness

What Does It Mean To Have High Functioning Mental Illness Have You Heard Of High Functioning Mental Illness? Just like high-functioning alcoholics, there are also high functioning people struggling with mental illness. But, before we get into all that, you need to know this question: what is high-functioning mental illness? High-functioning mental illness is when someone […]

Accepting Bipolar: 4 Tips To Living With It

accepting bipolar

Accepting Bipolar Disorder Is The First Step To Living With It Accepting bipolar mental illness can be a long process. It’s a common diagnosis and like any disability, learning to live with it and thrive takes skill. The stigma of having a mental illness is the first hurdle to overcome. How will people see me? […]