Simple Tips To Getting What You Want

Getting What You Want Means Working For It And Believing Let’s begin with the reality that getting what you want requires more than wishing, hoping, and praying. People say that recovery operates by some universal law. Just when you become ready for that something you desperately need, it shows up. Readiness and being able to […]
10 Tips For Relationship Expectations

Ever heard the phrase, “Expectations are resentments waiting to happen?” It’s true and people say it for a reason. We can’t control what other people do so we have to prepare ourselves for anything. Disappoint is terrible so mitigating how much disappointment you experience is critical. Here is some relationship advice from an expert.
The Facts And Only The Facts About Medical Marijuana

With more states legalizing medical marijuana, it is important to understand what the research has truly found about marijuana as a health care tool. At the outset, it is important to be clear that all the following indications and usage information is for Cannabinoids (CBD) (without the THC), so it does not apply to smoked, […]
Heroin Facts

Heroin Facts You Should Know Heroin facts lists here will give you a basic understanding of the drug. Heroin, also known as diacetylmorphine, is a highly addictive Schedule I drug. It’s a heavily abused, extremely addictive, potent opiate. Some of its street names may include: Dope, smack, H, Junk, Snow, Brown, etc. Processed from morphine, […]
Am I Raising A Future Abuser –

When I became a Mom, I vowed I would never abuse my son Keith the way my parents hurt me. Instead, I’ve been too soft and now my child is hurting me. How can I learn to take control without losing control?
What Is Khat –

Khat, pronounced “cot,” is a highly addictive drug categorized as a stimulant that creates feelings of euphoria. Khat originates from the catha edulis shrub, which grows abundantly in parts of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Cathine, a Schedule IV drug, and Cathinone, a Schedule I drug, are khat’s two active ingredients. The khat leaves […]