Need To Connect? Links For Online Recovery Groups!

online recovery groups

If you are struggling to stay sober, you may find relief in some of these online recovery groups. With the ‘Safer At Home’ order over the country, many people don’t feel connected, miss their meetings and are not digging their sobriety. While in-person meetings are not available right now, there are still ways to stay […]

What Is SMART Recovery?

Owl looking curious

Countless people have found recovery in 12-step groups. Yet only 1 in 10 people who need treatment for addiction receive it. Is it SMART to try something different? SMART recovery advocates give a resounding YES!

What To Expect In An Al-Anon Meeting

Group of women

Seven years ago, when I first entertained the idea of going to a meeting, I was scared and confused. Was Al-Anon another way to abbreviate Alcoholics Anonymous? Would it really help? As if anything could. Over the next few years, I found more reasons to not go to Al-Anon until one day I finally went, […]