The Myth Of Happiness Is A Fantasy

The Myth Of Happiness Is That You Find It And Then Keep It The myth of happiness has to be overcome to actually have the happiness you seek. If you are like me, then figuring out how to be happy has been an important goal for a long time. If you are like me, it’s […]
Cali Sober: Can You Still Smoke Pot?

Cali Sober Is A Thing, But Is It Sober Cali sober — or California sober — refers to people with substance abuse who no longer drink nor partake in most drugs … except smoking pot. The Cut explores that some people who qualify as being Cali sober abstain from everything except marijuana and even psychedelics. […]
Sober Quote: Open Your Mind

Open your mind to make room for new ideas that can change your life Open your mind sober quote is about how sobriety can open your mind and make room for real self-reflection and self-knowledge. The kind that leads to real, lasting change. Staying sober has some stages and even some different motivations. Most people […]
7 Ways To Get Over Unloving Relationships

It’s crucial to keep ourselves safe when it comes to matters of the heart, especially when you’re in recovery. Loving relationships have the capacity to bring unimaginable joy to our lives. For me, it can add an element to my life that colors everything else happy. Love is magical, it’s better than any drug. The idea […]
Recovery Products For A Recovery Lifestyle

Did you know that recovery gifts help focus a recovery life? Let me explain. Recently, we’ve been adding recovery products to the ROR website. This is because we know from our own lives that having recovery and wellness items around the house and office promote recovery! When I first came into recovery, I had a […]
Sober Quote: Sobriety Is Never Owned

Sobriety is never owned is something to remember Sobriety is never owned is a quote that really resonates. It reminds us that there is always work to do. The good news about “recovery rent” being due every day is that every day brings a new opportunity for progress and growth. Creating new routines and rituals […]