We All Need Serenity Now


Serenity means letting go of fear and anger when things are out of control, like right now. Serenity doesn’t mean we aren’t afraid or shouldn’t be angry about what’s happening. It doesn’t matter who you are, what color you are, what your political beliefs are, or where you live. You’re hurting. We’re more divided than […]

God In A Box VS. A God Box –

God box

Religion taught me to put God in a box. Recovery teaches me to put my problems in a God Box. Everything I knew about religion I learned in Church, but everything I know about God, I learned in recovery. God In A Box My relationship for God goes way back to Bible school and lacy […]

What To Expect In An Al-Anon Meeting

Group of women

Seven years ago, when I first entertained the idea of going to a meeting, I was scared and confused. Was Al-Anon another way to abbreviate Alcoholics Anonymous? Would it really help? As if anything could. Over the next few years, I found more reasons to not go to Al-Anon until one day I finally went, […]

Bitterness, Blame, and Banana Bread

Banana bread

Some ingredients, like lemons, are naturally bitter. That’s why we balance them with something that’s naturally sweet. The same principle applies to bitterness, like the time when my sister-in-law bit my son.