Supporting Families Through Suicide Cleanup

Supporting Families Through Tragedy: The Impact Of Suicide Scene Cleanup When tragedy strikes, particularly the devastating loss of a loved one to suicide, the emotional toll on families is unimaginable. In such a dark time, practical concerns can seem overwhelming. One crucial yet often overlooked service during this period is suicide cleanup service. This support […]
18 Free Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide Prevention Resources Save Lives Suicide prevention resources are necessary because mental health is a crisis for thousands of people right now. The definition of the word suicide as given by the National Institute of Mental Health is “death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with intent to die as a result of the behavior.” It […]
Know The Suicide Warning Signs

Sadly, in these times we need to be vigilant about the suicide warning signs in the people we care about If you or someone you care about has felt suicidal, then it’s imperative to know and recognize the suicide warning signs. People who are struggling have trouble asking for help. It’s often part of the […]
Safer At Home With New Recovery Connections

People in recovery are only safer at home when they stay connected It’s been almost 100 days since many of us have had any kind of normal public life. That means no 12 step meetings in person. No fellowship at Starbucks, no in-person celebrations of sober birthdays and anniversaries. Recovery is an achievement every day, […]
My Suicide Prevention Plan And Why Some People Need One

You may need a suicide prevention plan and not even know it. Here’s a tough fact, mental illness and addiction are described as insidious and baffling for a reason. They persist even when life is pretty good. When life is unusually bad, they can ignite and become overwhelming. Why does everyone need a suicide prevention […]