What’s Your Relapse Prevention Plan

Everyone Needs A Relapse Prevention Plan No matter what you’re recovering from, you need a relapse prevention plan, and we have one to help. Alcoholism and addiction are sneaky. One minute you feel fine, and the next, a trigger might send you into a spin that makes you want to pick up a drink or […]
Why Everyone Need 100 Tips For Growing Up

100 Tips For Growing Up Is Great For Any Age Maybe the people who raised you knew nothing about growing up, so you need the 100 Tips For Growing Up to improve your life skills. Or, maybe your parents were adolescent therapists who specialized in the changing teen brain, but they still didn’t get it […]
Focus On Health For Relapse Prevention

When you focus on health for relapse prevention, you create new and healthier pathways in your brain. Suddenly you have new things to think about and new tasks to fulfill. Relapse prevention doesn’t mean just staying away from your drug, or behavior, of choice. Just like recovering from injuries, or a devastating loss, getting back […]