Drinking And Teen Pregnancy Risk

teen pregnancy

Why Teen Pregnancy Risk Is More Important Than Ever Before Teen pregnancy has always been a devastating problem for high school and college girls. No teen wants to be at risk for an unwanted pregnancy. Now that many State laws prevent abortion and even contraception, girls are at risk more than ever before. How can […]

Marijuana’s Effect On the Teen Brain

water color teen brain art

From The American College Of Pediatrics: Teenagers’ rapidly developing brains put them at high risk of harm from marijuana use. New research reveals the grave risks associated with chronic use of marijuana in adolescents. Marijuana And THC The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When marijuana is smoked, THC rapidly passes from the […]

What To Do About Lying

Lying to myself

I hate being lied to. I grew up in a den of liars, so as a parent, I refuse to tolerate lying, but that’s easier said than done. My teenage son Keith has lied to me twice in the last 12 hours. Lying Begets Lying Everyone in my family of origin lies. My Mom lies […]

Alcohol Math For Girls


Did you know when it comes to alcohol math girls may not be safe at any level of drinking?  It’s biology. Girls are impaired after one drink and drunk after two. Alcohol affects the behavior of your boys, of course, but not to the same degree or with the same adverse consequences. For boys, drinking […]

Am I Raising A Future Abuser –

Boy pulling mom s hair

When I became a Mom, I vowed I would never abuse my son Keith the way my parents hurt me. Instead, I’ve been too soft and now my child is hurting me. How can I learn to take control without losing control?

What Are Date Rape Drugs

barbies with date rape drugs

Any drug that alters a person’s consciousness in a way that makes self-defense or sound decision-making difficult can be a date rape drug. Most estimates suggest that at least 25 percent or 1 in 4 of American women have been sexually assaulted or raped. Someone the victim knows, sometimes with the assistance of a date rape […]