Recovery Quotes: How To Say No

Recovery quotes how to say no

Did you know that you have the freedom to say no? It seems that the word “no” is almost taboo to say. We pile so many tasks on our plate and, when it’s out of hand, we agree to tackle another project. Now, we’re stuck under the stress and anxiety of what feels like one […]

Change Quotes: When To Let Go

Change quotes when is it time to let go

It’s hard to say goodbye, but when is it time to let go? Many of us tend to hold on to that person or thing far too long – and it takes a huge toll on us. Whether we don’t want to give up hope or have trapped ourselves in a spiral of denial, it’s […]

Senior Mental Health Crises: How Can We Help?

Senior mental Health

We often hear about the importance of mental health awareness in the younger generations. But, not nearly enough is said about the reality of senior mental health crises. The younger generations, such as Generation Z and millennials, tend to be more open about their mental health. However, that doesn’t mean generations such as Baby Boomers […]