Motivational Quotes: Stay Positive Around Toxic People

motivational quote stay Positive Around Toxic People

It’s important to keep positive around toxic people. Face it – we work hard to surround ourselves with pleasant, supportive people, but sometimes we have to put up with toxic people. Whether they’re our peers, coworkers, or some form of client, we have to deal with them. But how do we keep the peace we’ve […]

Recovery Quotes: Overthinking Everything

recovery quotes stop overthinking

Stop overthinking everything – easier said than done, right? I know the feeling: You’re out with a new group of people and you want to say something, but every time you think of something clever to interject or have some tidbit of information you think would be relevant you pause. The worry of sounding stupid […]

Abuse Quotes: Leaving Abusive Relationships

Abuse quotes Leaving Abusive Relationships

It’s difficult leaving abusive relationships. Those who haven’t experienced this kind of abuse don’t understand the emotional grip these abusers have on their victims. It’s more than making the choice to run – plenty of planning in secret has to go into creating an escape route. Some victims don’t have the option of turning to […]