Chellie Campbell Talks Financial Stress In Covid 19

Chellie Campbell is the creator of the popular Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops which now has licensed Coaches throughout the country, Chellie Campbell’s first book was The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction (Sourcebooks, 2002) which was chosen as a Book-of-the-Week on the Dr. Laura Schlessinger radio show and a GlobalNet Book-of-the-Month selection. Her […]
Narcissist Quotes: Hurt Feelings Can Control You

Hurt feelings in a loved one can make you feel so bad. Is it your fault when someone takes everything you say the wrong way? Excessive sensitivity is way up there in the relationship manipulation department. Here’s why. One of the most painful forms of relationship stress feeling that you are walking on eggshells with […]
Crack Cocaine Overview with video

Crack cocaine got its name because of the crackling sound it makes when smoked. Crack cocaine emerged in California during the 1970s. Cocaine in powder form was hot on the scene, and a cheaper form of cocaine was produced by mixing cocaine with baking power soda or ammonia to provide a less expensive and more […]