Top 10 Happiness Quotes

top 10 happiness quotes

Our favorite happiness quotes collected for you! Our top 10 happiness quotes will make you…happy. Wonder why we create happiness quotes? Who’s happy all the time? No one! However, being happy is good for you. Seriously, there’s scientific proof that being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle. Studies have even found that happiness helps combat stress, […]

Top 10 Positivity Quotes

positivity quotes

We collected our favorite positivity quotes for you! Let’s be real, it’s not easy to be positive and cheerful all the time. No one is and there’s no point in pretending. That’s why having quotes about positivity around can help remind you to have perspective and look on the bright side. We’re all busy in […]

Sobriety Quote: Loss Of Self

sobriety quote

Loss of self is when we’re floundering Loss of self is the slippery slope to despair. Today’s sobriety quote is about how important it is to make your sobriety and the whole of your recovery a daily priority. Now, this does not mean recovery trumps everything in your life–this means you have to take your […]

Sobriety Quote: Add Life To Your Days

add to life quote

Add life to your days with new tools to be happy and safe Add life to your days. Have fun. Learn more about recovery. Make connections with link minded people who can support your journey. Today’s sobriety quote of the day is about why we go into recovery. Addiction robs us of all joy. Something […]

Sobriety Quote: It’s Not A One Time Choice

sobriety quote

Not a one time choice, sobriety is renewable every day Not a one time choice which would be so easy. One and done is not how sobriety and recovery work. You have to work it every day. Just like mindfulness, eating and being kind, you have to make choices that move your recovery forward. Today’s […]