How Psoriasis Affects Self-Esteem and Body Image

You might wonder why psoriasis affects self-esteem. It’s just a rash, right? Well, no. Psoriasis is a word that is often loosely used to describe something as inconsequential as a diaper rash on a baby, but it can be much worse. What Is Psoriasis The definition of Psoriasis is an inflammatory, autoimmune disease of the […]
What To Do When Your Car Accident Insurance Is Denied

When you’re involved in a car accident, one of the things you should do is to file an insurance claim to your insurance company to receive compensation for the injuries and other damages you sustained. However, filing the claim itself isn’t a guarantee that you’ll get reimbursed for all your losses. There are instances in […]
Is Digital Device Addiction A Thing?

Digital decide addiction is real and dangerous Digital device addiction has proliferated in the last few decades as people have become ever more dependent on the technology and applications available on mobile phones. Technology has changed everything about the way people communicate and entertain themselves. It is almost impossible to work and have relationships in […]
5 Tips For Dating In Recovery

Dating in recovery has taken on new meaning and challenges during and after the Covid Pandemic, and it’s not over yet. If you’re struggling with staying sober, this is not the time to look for partner. This is the time to stick with your recovery program and get back to in-person meetings whenever it’s safe […]