Growing Up In Recovery After You Get Sober

Growing up in Recovery

Growing Up In Recovery: I Wrote The Book Why growing up in recovery is not just stopping using. If you stick around recovery groups for a while, you’ll eventually hear someone talk about growing up in recovery. That’s my story. When this all began, I simply needed to get sober and stay sober. What I […]

There Is Hope For An Addict’s Mom

self help academy

If You’re An Addict’s Mom, Don’t Give Up Hope An addict’s mom needs as much support and hope that her child can recover from addiction as the mother of a child with cancer does. Yet, it’s so incredibly complicated because how can you have hope over a terrible, deadly disease that no one can control? […]

Sober Curious Mom Writes New Book

Sober curious

I Was A Sober Curious Mom Determined To Help My Child In Recovery Being sober curious changed my whole life when I explored ways to support my child in recovery. Lindsey has been my inspiration for more than a decade since we produced The Secret World Of Recovery. and launched Reach Out Recovery as mother/daughter […]

These Are 16 Symptoms Of Codependency

symptoms of codependency

What Are The 16 Symptoms Of Codependency How many symptoms of codependency do you have to have to qualify? Do you expend all of your energy in meeting your partner’s needs? Do you feel trapped in your relationship? Are you the one that is constantly making sacrifices in your relationship? Then you may be in […]

5 Tips To Create The Recovery Lifestyle

The recovery lifestyle

 What Is The Recovery Lifestyle The recovery lifestyle is what you do after you put down your drinks and drugs. ddiction recovery starts with putting down a drink or drug, or whatever the addictive substance or behavior is, but then A LOT more has to happen for most people to recover. It’s not like putting […]