Can There Be Happy Dating After Grief?

Yes, dating after grief is possible and good for you (when you’re ready) If you have experienced grief, loss, or trauma you know exactly how hard and scary it can be to even consider dating again. When I started dating, I stuck a toe in the water of the online dating pool. It was at […]
Tips To Communicate Better

Do you need some help in how to communicate better? Good communication skills are absolutely key to a happy, healthy life. If you want to communicate better, you have to follow a few rules. You’re probably pretty set in your ways when it comes to relating with other people. Do you feel no one listens […]
Am I Enabling When I Help

“Am I enabling?” is a question people often ask when dealing with loved ones struggling with addiction or recovery. What is enabling? We want to help and support and encourage but often we promote the very behaviors we want to end. People have many excuses for enabling, so it’s a really good question to ask […]
Add Healthy Fats To Balance Your Blood Sugar

Now that all we have is time, it’s the perfect time to look at your diet and see where improvements can be made! When you add heathy fats to your diet, they help to balance your blood sugar. How does it work? Many of us eat constantly because our blood sugar rollercoaster takes us up […]
How To Stop Stress Eating In Covid 19

Stress eating may always have been your biggest weight gain problem. But now, with so many new stressors with the virus, job insecurity, and isolation at home with children or other family members, eating may be the only thing you think you can do for comfort. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can […]
The Freedom To Say No

What happened to the freedom to say no? No one these days answers the question, “How do you live your life?” with the answer “I’m afraid to say no.” But so many of us live in this space of answering yes to every demand and request with alarming tenacity. No Freedom To Say No How […]