How Does Bioenergetic Healing Work
Bioenergetic healing is a technique that promotes health and well-being by repairing damage in the body. It may be from injuries, illnesses, or stress. Bioenergetic healing is considered an alternative medicine practice and not one of the conventional medical practices because it does not use chemicals or physical medicine as its primary form of treatment. […]
What Are Root Causes Of Addictive Behaviors
Addictive Behaviors Come In All Shapes And Sizes: Why Do We Overdo Addictive behaviors are not all bad. Some of our repeated and obsessive habits can be helpful, like keeping clean if you’re a doctor or chef. But overdoing any behavior, even eating, until you can’t stop is a hallmark of addiction. Addiction requires help […]
Mindfulness Exercising: The New Cure For Anxiety
Mindfulness Exercising Works: Now There’s Science Behind It We know that mindfulness and mindfulness exercising helps with recovery. We’ve learned over time that the more we work on anti-stress and anxiety methods we can use at any time, the more we’re in control of our lives and recovery. Now there’s science behind what many ancient […]
How Depression Can Lead To Addiction
Self Medication Is Often Linked To Clinical Depression How depression can lead to addiction is something we’ll explore in this article. Some people may turn to substance use and abuse to cope with the symptoms of their despair. However, using alcohol or medicines to treat depressed symptoms can make someone more likely to become addicted. […]
What Are Mental Health Issues At Every Age
Mental Health Issues Affect People of All Ages Do you know someone who is experiencing mental health issues? A recent WHO report points out that one in eight people today live with a mental health disorder, and suicide is a leading cause of death among young adults. These mental health conditions impact our overall sense […]
Exercise Screening Could Save Your Life
Why Exercise Screening Is Important Before Starting A New Workout Program Exercise screening is the safe way to begin a new health program for the new year. Why do you need it? Exercise is crucial for sustaining good health and preventing chronic diseases. It’s a fact. However, before starting a new workout program, you should […]