Alcohol Facts For Teens Heading To College
Teens need to know the alcohol facts to stay safe in college. The thought of sending your teen off to college can be scary. After 18 years at home, suddenly in a new place, far away. Many parents worry about their teen drinking in college because of how prevalent it is and that many students drink excessively. Excessive use of alcohol can lead to serious health problems and negative consequences. Before going off to school, it’s important for teens to understand how alcohol affects the body and the laws about underage drinking.
Teen Alcohol Facts About Effects Of Alcohol On the Body
Drinking alcohol can have short and long-term effects on the body. When alcohol is over-consumed, it impairs judgment and coordination. It also increases the risk of getting injured or into an accident. In the long term, alcohol creates health problems and brain damage, as well as alcohol dependency. College students who black out frequently have an increased risk of developing alcohol dependency later in life as well as an alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI). It is important that your teen is aware of these effects before they go to college
Alcohol Facts About Drinking Laws in College
Aside from the harmful effects of alcohol on the body, drinking alcohol in college can have legal and academic consequences. So it’s useful to do my chemistry homework and know about the effects of alcohol on my system. The legal drinking age is 21. in the U.S. Many people think that underage drinking is no big deal, purchasing, possessing, or consuming alcohol prior to 21 can lead to fines and arrest.Â
Alcohol Facts Underage Drinking Laws and Consequences
Under-age drinking laws vary from state to state, but an underage drinking conviction results in large fines. If the person is a repeat offender, their sentencing can increase. According to attorney Jason Dunkle, in Pennsylvania, for second and subsequent offenses, the maxim sentence increases to a $1,000 fine. They may also be required to complete community service or attend alcohol education classes.
Alcohol Facts Open container laws
 Open container laws prohibit the possession and consumption of any open alcoholic beverage in the passenger seat of a car. Most states have laws that prohibit having an open container. In Pennsylvania, violating this law can result in a fine of up to $300.Â
Driving Under the Influence
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not something to take lightly. Operating a vehicle above the legal limit of .08% can have fatal consequences for the driver, passengers, and other cars. For underage drivers, the legal limit varies from state to state, but it is generally much lower than .08. A first-time DUI offense can result in a fine, license suspension, and even jail time. Repeat offenses or offenses involving high BAC levels can result in more severe consequences, including longer jail sentences and mandatory treatment programs.
Alcohol Facts How to Make Responsible Choices
The easiest way to make responsible choices is to avoid alcohol. However, that is unlikely in college. Teenagers can make responsible choices by setting limits, staying hydrated, drinking in moderation, and eating can help college kids make more responsible choices. It is essential to pace oneself and avoid binge drinking. If a person feels uncomfortable or unsafe, they should stop drinking and seek help.
Resources for Help
There are several resources available for teenagers and college students struggling with alcohol use. Campus resources like counseling and support groups can provide a safe, supportive environment. Aside from that talking to parents or other mentors can help teenagers cope.Â
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