Summer Sobriety: What To Avoid

summer sobriety

Summer Sobriety Gets Easier If You Know What Not To Do

Summer sobriety is always a challenge. Certainly, in my active drinking and using days, there was no sobriety in the summer! Summer meant special summer drinks, boozy bar-be-ques, days lost on the beach, you get the idea. But, those are lost memories and leave nothing for the mind or soul.

These days, summer means so much more and sobriety has given me a full life. It’s much easier to stay sober and not miss the party when you have other things to do that you care about. It also helps to have a sobriety plan.

Here are a few of my favorite summer sobriety activities

  1. I replaced the drinking crew with a sober crew so I still love a good bar-be-que, beach day, or pool day, we just focus on the food and the fun, not the party favors. Find some safe people to do the summer stuff with so it’s not so stressful!
  2. Nature. if you don’t know by now, I love nature. I live in southern California and there’s a lot of it. I hike, I take my three dogs places, I go to the scenic spots, the nature reserves, you name it. You don’t need a crew or anything else to enjoy what mother nature gave us.
  3. Learn something. Whether it’s how to cook summer fruit pies or paint by numbers, I do try something new every season. Since we’re just post-pandemic, I’m returning to some old favorites I haven’t been able to go to for a year, like in-person yoga!!!
  4. Make the time to do something you enjoy. I’m planning to go to the movies over the 4th of July holiday. Need a massage? Schedule it. Want to listen to some live music. i bet there’s something in your town this weekend.
  5. Self-care. Always a good idea when you’re focused on sobriety. Take some time to clean your space, do some spa stuff, balance the old checkbook (so to speak), call on loved ones, you get the idea. Nurture your mind, body, soul, and personal finances!

Summer Sobriety Survival Kit Includes

  1. One designated person who is around and available to take my call if necessary. This can be a sober friend, sponsor, family member, anyone who supports my recovery and will take my call to keep me feeling strong.
  2. Talking to a sponsor or sober friend before going into the holiday. Especially if you are heading into a family situation or have to do anything that you might find triggering.
  3. A fool-proof out if I need to leave wherever I am. I have three dogs so it’s pretty easy to say, “Yikes, I have to get home to the dogs!” But, there are a million versions of this so figure out what your exit strategy is and use it when needed!
  4. Shows I’m excited to watch on my Netflix (especially comedy) if I need to go home and relax. Not going to lie, super excited about the new season of my favorite series and will be watching them when social outings are not for me, you can be sure of that.
  5. Foods I’m excited to eat when I get home to chill and watch Netflix. This is the season where it’s sort of OK to comfort yourself with delicious foods. Delicious seasonal foods! I already have my summer favorite recipes ready to go and I can’t wait.
  6. Be of service. We all know showing up for other people can be a lifesaver for them and us, so take the time to check in on other sober people to make sure they’re hanging in there too.

Summer Sobriety Always Be Safe

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