Tian Dayton Quotes: Feeling Angry All The Time
Feeling Angry Is Normal, Acting Out Hurts Everyone Feeling angry all the time is often a characteristic of someone who has experienced trauma or been hurt. It’s also part of addiction. How do anger and addiction go together? We get this question all the time. They are related, and when you add stress and anxiety […]
Why Significant Childhood Trauma Is So Tough To Process
From Dr. Tian Dayton, Forgiving Parents: Breaking the Chain of Anger, Resentment and Pain – Triggered pain is so confusing to decode and deal with. Primarily, emotional responses to childhood trauma are recorded by the parts of the brain that were developed early in our evolution. This area of brain memory is often referred to […]
Gratitude for Children Of Alcoholics
Gratitude For Children Of Alcoholics: Rethinking Your Life Gratitude for children of alcoholics doesn’t come easy. Feeling gratitude is difficult when there is abuse and neglect in your past. Here are 7 ways children of alcoholics can feel grateful this holiday season from Tian Dayton. How many times have I heard people share that they […]
Tian Dayton Quotes: Taking Responsibility
Taking responsibility means being able to say “my bad” when things don’t turn out well and not keep pretending it’s someone else’s fault. Say you didn’t do something you were supposed to do and the consequences were dire. You don’t say, well, you kept me up last night. Or you did this so I forgot […]
How The Past Comes Back To Haunt Us
Does what happened in the past stay in the past? Absolutely not. One of the most significant triggers for childhood relationship trauma are adult relationships.