I’m Ready For Therapy! What’s Next

Congratulations! You’re Ready For Therapy When you’re ready for therapy, it’s a great place to be. Whatever may be bothering you now can be explored and fixed. And, I wish we lived in a world where taking care of your mental health was as normal and expected as seeing a medical doctor to take care […]
How Does Exercise Heal

How Does Exercise Heal When Your Heart Is Broken What helps when you are grieving? How does exercise heal your heart? Kelly McDyre who helps families cope with the death of a child, shares her experience of how exercise heals. Dealing with grief is a process that looks different for everyone. Grief can be unpredictable, […]
Sober Living Facilities: What You Need To Know

You may have heard of sober living facilities and wonder what they are. Is someone you know or love struggling with sobriety after completing a drug rehab program? A sober living community or facility may be the answer. Why people in recovery need a sober living community Here’s what the National Institute of Health has […]
Tips To Manage Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are common, but are often kept a secret or ignored by loved ones and family members because addressing them causes conflict. Who wants to be yelled at when you make suggestions? People with personality disorders can have anger and resentment issues and resist change and treatment. Mental illness is really hard both for […]
How Can I Find Child Therapy

Child therapy could be the most important thing you do to help your child or teen, and it’s not difficult to find a child therapist. Why do you need one? Have you had as tough a year as we have? The truth is, we’re all struggling with our mental health right now, and it’s not […]
How To Get Answers For Your Therapy Questions

If you have therapy questions, you are not alone. Getting treatment is more common now than ever before, but people are confused about where to turn and how much they really need it. Get your therapy questions answered before you choose a treatment provider. Do these questions resonate with you? What is the reason you […]