Adult Children Of Alcoholics Life In A Circus

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Are Molded For Dysfunction. What does that mean? It means that the elephant in our world is crisis, and all reality is denied from the moment we’re born. Every day is life in the circus. Recovery slogans and sayings abound, comparing addiction to a three-ring circus. These analogies give many adult […]
Introducing The Recovery Wisdom Of Jim Rouches

Lindsey finds recovery wisdom when she interviews the Director Of Program Services at Harvest House Lindsey asks Jim Rouches what’s happening at Harvest House during the Corona Virus, and what Harvest House does that’s different from other organizations like it. Naturally, creativity is required in a time when so many members of vulnerable recovery communities […]
Why You Need Patience For Recovery

Patience for recovery is something we don’t talk about much. Having a chronic, progressive, relapsing brain disease (or Substance Use Disorder) sounds pretty serious, and it is. The reality in a nutshell is that a short stay in a rehab, or even a year or so in sober living communities, is not going to insure […]
Recovery Communities Can Help Cultural Healing

In a bleeding world, where are the sources of cultural healing and communal healing? When our connecting fabric is shredding under the assault of hateful rhetoric, where do we find common ground—settings where people speak with each other and not at and over each other? How can we escape the spell of political pimps of […]
For Many, Recovery At Home Is The Best Option

Spotlight: Richard Blair and Catalyst Recovery Richard Blair and Catalyst Recovery bring recovery to you. From intervention to rehab-at-home, to sober companions, transportation and much more, they have everything and everyone you need to get sober and stay sober from home. Between the uptick in Rx prescriptions being written right now, the issues surrounded being […]
How to Deal With Difficult Parents

What can you do to cope with difficult parents You don’t have to be a terrible parent, or even a mean parent for your children to be angry at you on occasion, or during certain periods of your life. Part of growing up is pushing boundaries and seeing what you can get away with. If […]