Confused About Methadone?

Lets first start with some medical information about methadone and methadone clinics and then discuss the possibilities/probabilities with this method of medically assisted recovery. Methadone has been used for over 50 years here and in Europe for heroin addiction and also for opioid addiction. It is quite effective when used correctly in this way. The […]
My Advice From God

I needed advice about my son’s drug use, but where to turn? As a physician, I have treated many families with addiction problems and there is addiction in my own family history. But I didn’t see how bad how bad my son’s addiction had become until I was crushed by it.
What Have You Done For YOU Lately

Do you have a weekly recovery check list? Here’s how it helps. By the time we find recovery, most of us realize what we were doing before wasn’t working. And many of us are ready to make drastic changing in the people, places, and things related to our downfall, but where to start? And how […]
When Does Social Drinking Become A Problem

It’s a question many want to avoid. Where is the line that separates casual drinking and a medical disorder? Some say if you want a drink you’re not an alcoholic, but if you need a drink then you are (an alcoholic). Others say, at first the man has a drink, and then the drink has a drink, and then […]
Is Addiction An Opportunity?

Years ago, I studied “The Hero’s Journey” because I wanted to write the hero’s story. Back in the day, we girls didn’t think of ourselves as taking that hero’s journey ourselves. We weren’t brave. We were just girls. But I thought if I ever had the opportunity, I could write about it. I could write […]
Hope For Addicted Women

In the spring of 1978, First Lady Betty Ford publicly announced her recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. It was a stunning moment for those who had long worked to destigmatize addiction. For over 100 years, addicted women had been fighting to get treatment in silent shame.