New Alcohol Facts: Even A Little Can Hurt

new Alcohol facts

New Alcohol Facts To Take Seriously New alcohol facts may change your mind about drinking. As a former drinker, I always thought a few glasses of red wine every night was good for my heart. New alcohol facts, however, tell a different story. There has been a movement in the last few years to try […]

Know The Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

signs of domestic violence

Sometimes Abuse Becomes So Normal We Don’t Even Know It’s Happening Know this, if you are in an abusive relationship, there is no shame in that and it happens to many people. The main question is, are you safe and are you aware of all the abuse taking place? See, abuse can be confusing. It’s […]

New Recovery Coloring Book For Kids

Recovery coloring book for kids

Recovery Coloring Book For Kids Who Need Help And Hope This recovery coloring book for children will give kids reassurance that they will be all right.  I created this coloring book for kids facing unimaginable trauma because having hope and believing you can be okay in the future no matter what’s happening now is the […]

How To Make Your Business Recovery Friendly

Working from home

10% Of Adult Americans Say They Are In Some Form Of Recovery According to 10% of Americans are in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, and that is only what is reported. There are many more out there. So, this is why your business should become recovery friendly. Now, ask yourself if […]

Don’t Give Up Sobriety Takes Time To Love


The key to sobriety is not giving up on the days you want to Sobriety is a challenge for everyone at first. I did not want to get sober when I was 21. I went to rehab because I was killing myself and literally thought, “I just need a reset.” That first rehab was not […]

Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Feeling sorry for yourself

Feeling Sorry For Yourself Doesn’t Help Feeling sorry for yourself can lead to all kinds of woes. It can lead to substance use and relationship difficulties. In short, it becomes a bad habit you might want to break. When I was growing up my father kept a ledger in his head of what I cost: […]