Marijuana And Cigarettes Impact Your Heart

marijuana and cigarettes

Did you know that marijuana and cigarettes may have the same effect on your heart? Now that marijuana is legal for recreational use, it seems as if the smell of it is everywhere, just as cigarette smoke was in every restaurant and office in the old days. Every time we publish an article about marijuana […]

How To Be Single, Sober And Happy On The Holidays

Single and Sober for the Holidays

Are you sober and single, and facing the opening of holiday celebrations after the long pandemic siege? Are you dreading the holidays because this may be your first sober season? The holidays are always challenging both for the sober curious, the newly sober, and the sober and single groups, but we have some tips on […]

Mental Health Reminders To Stay Positive!

mental health reminders

 Some days may feel harder than others but there are tips that will help your mental health It’s all too easy to get stuck in the black hole of misery right now, and see only the gray sky. You’re not crazy to find ways to turn things around. In fact, you need new things to […]

Spotlight on FACEing Mental Illness Podcast

Facing Mental Illness podcast

FACEing Mental Illness, a podcast and article series by award-winning journalist Carrie Seidman, is my favorite way to learn about interesting people who have lived experience with mental illness. Did you know that 50% of Americans will experience a mental illness during their lifetime? With some five to fifteen people family members impacted by every […]

Earthing And Forest Bathing For Wellness

Earthing And Forest Bathing Are Two Ways To Connect With Nature And Feel Good Earthing is basically walking barefoot. Forest bathing is letting trees and nature connect with you. All right, we know it’s coming on to winter, but getting into nature is one of the most important things you can do to improve your […]

What Are The 4 Signs Of A Toxic family

signs of a toxic family

Signs Of A Toxic Family: We Choose The Top Red Flags Are you living in a toxic family and don’t know why you’re unhappy? Signs of a toxic family are clear once you know the red flags. We don’t get to choose our families so many people find themselves in complicated dynamics and don’t know […]