Do You Play The Addiction Blame Game

addiction Blame Game

Playing The Addiction Blame Game Makes Things Worse There are two parties in the addiction blame game. Those suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and their friends, family, and loved ones. Family and friends can be verbally brutal during periods of active addiction. They want their loved one to stop so badly, […]

Why You Need Patience For Recovery


Patience for recovery is something we don’t talk about much. Having a chronic, progressive, relapsing brain disease (or Substance Use Disorder) sounds pretty serious, and it is. The reality in a nutshell is that a short stay in a rehab, or even a year or so in sober living communities, is not going to insure […]

Surprising Tips To Have A Bountiful Life

A bountiful life

When you think of having a truly bountiful life, what comes to mind? Security, a loving family? Maybe what you want most is for a loved one to stop using drugs or alcohol. On the other hand, your loved one may have stopped using, but the behaviors that made life difficult continue. We have some […]

When A Loved One Leaves YOU

Girl sad about break up

Why do active and recovering substances users often run away from loved ones trying to “Save” them? The truth is, no one feels good when they feel bullied and managed. Caring doesn’t feel like love when it comes in the form of someone telling you what to do. When a loved one leaves you, find […]

Leslie’s Funky Sauerkraut Heals All


Did you know sauerkraut heals? Pretty much everyone craves salt. Pickles and foods fermented with salt (and sometimes vinegar) are universal. Every cuisine has its own treasured recipes. There’s a lot more to salt love than the pleasant tang on your tongue, however. Humans crave salt because we need it to be healthy. The average […]

The 7 Stages Of Alcoholism

Seven stages of alcoholism

7 Stages of Alcoholism and 6 Alcohol Facts you need to know.  Here are some crucial facts about alcohol use in the US, how addiction develops, and how to recover. Alcohol Is Still The King of Substance Use Disorder: Stages Of Alcoholism 6 Alcohol Facts  7 Stages Of Alcoholism  Stages of Alcoholism 1. Abstinence Alcohol […]