4 Tips To Help Kids Eat Healthy

eat healthy

Here’s How To Raise Kids To Eat Healthy Do my adult children eat healthy? How about their children? If you eat healthy, will you pass on the healthy eating habit and gene? Yes and no. I loved cooking for my children, and now they love food and cooking, too. Are they healthy eaters themselves? Here’s […]

When Do You Need A Brain Break

brain break

Brain Breaks Are Time-outs That Everyone Needs If you are an over-thinker, or a compulsive worker, like me, the computer in your head needs a nap. Every day, and maybe more than once a day. I’ve been known to work on a writing or editing project for hours and hours every day without taking a […]

4 Tips To Recover From A Narcissist

recover from a narcissist

It’s Hard To Recover From A Narcissist So Make A Plan First and foremost, you are not crazy. Know that. When it comes time to recover from a narcissist, there’s confusion and shame because at some point you knew you were not being treated well. But confused and gaslighted, you didn’t know how to get […]

Can You Be Addicted To Weed, Marijuana, CBD

addicted to weed

You May Be Addicted To Weed And Not Know It If you are addicted to weed, (or anything else) you may may think your use is perfectly normal and have no idea it might be harmful. I am addicted to coffee, for example. I get a headache without it. Others in our group are addicted […]

3 Mistakes Women Make In Relationships

Mistakes Women Make In Relationships

Mistakes Women Make In Relationships: Top 3 Let me begin with that so we all know we’re on the same page. I’m not judging myself or anyone else. But, after making a few of these mistakes again, I took time to reflect on why it’s so easy to make these fumbles and how to avoid […]

Covid Is Back What Should You Do

Covid is back

You’re Not Imagining It: Covid-19 cases are on the rise again. Covid is back, or did it never leave? I thought the rising number of cases around me was a fluke at first. Neighbors in my little community in Sarasota were getting Covid this summer. Some of them got it for the first time, and some are […]