30 Days Sober Has This Affect On Your Body

People Test The Impact Of 30 Days Sober What happens to your body after 30 days sober. We have some answers. April is Alcohol Awareness Month, a good time to remember the advantages of Dry January. What is Dry January? It’s the phenomenon of not drinking for 30 days to experience the impact of sobriety […]
10 Organization Tips To Make Summer A Breeze

Who Needs Organizing Tips, We All Do Do you need organization tips to get focused on what you want to do so you can get it done. Everyone has goals they want to accomplish this summer, and we bet you are no different. Whether they’re long-term or short-term goals, you may struggle if you’re not […]
How To Stop Overthinking

If You Spend A Lot Of Time Overthinking Every Little Thing You May Want Relief I know a lot about overthinking because it used to be a real problem for me. I’d replay events of the day, conversations I’d had, things that happened at work, at home, and on and on. The problem is, overthinking […]
7 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

Did you know it’s possible to raise your vibration Yes, indeed you can raise your vibration. This is true science because everything vibrates with energy, including us humans. If we vibrate in one way it can attract good things, if we vibrate in other ways, it can attract negative things. That’s why it actually is […]
Growing Up In Recovery After You Get Sober

Growing Up In Recovery: I Wrote The Book Why growing up in recovery is not just stopping using. If you stick around recovery groups for a while, you’ll eventually hear someone talk about growing up in recovery. That’s my story. When this all began, I simply needed to get sober and stay sober. What I […]
There Is Hope For An Addict’s Mom

If You’re An Addict’s Mom, Don’t Give Up Hope An addict’s mom needs as much support and hope that her child can recover from addiction as the mother of a child with cancer does. Yet, it’s so incredibly complicated because how can you have hope over a terrible, deadly disease that no one can control? […]