7 Tips For Business Financial Planning

The Role Of Financial Planning In Medical Business Growth Medical practices and healthcare organizations need strong financial planning and management, just like any other business. Whether you’re a solo physician or a large hospital system, exploring medical funding options and having a strategic financial plan is crucial for stability and growth. Read this article because […]
4 Tips To Nurture Positive Self Talk

Positive Self Talk Can Overcome The Trauma That Holds You Back Positive self talk can replace the negative tapes that play in your head from traumatic experiences or messages from your childhood. Parents never know which of the things they say will stick in your head forever, breaking your heart over and over. If your […]
Happiness Is 10 Positive Affirmations Away

What Are Affirmations And Why Do They Work Do you wonder what affirmations are and why they’re all over the place? Do you wonder if saying positive things can make them come true? What are they, anyway? Affirmations are positive statements intended to challenge negative beliefs. The concept is that if you repeat positive, self-affirming […]
5 Best Tips For Business Ownership

5 Strategies To Succeed In Early Business Ownership Starting a new business can be an exciting yet challenging time. As a new business owner, you’ll likely have countless ideas and dreams for your company. However, it’s vital to remember that building a successful business takes time, strategic planning, and perseverance through the inevitable growing pains. […]
Post Holiday Blues: Time To Reboot

Post Holiday Blues Are A Thing: Why Do They Linger? Post holiday blues still with you? We’re now heading toward March. That means all the holidays are behind us and we’re back to reality and business until Easter. For some, it’s a major relief. Even with all its good tidings and cheer, the Thanksgiving, Christmas, […]
How Buddhism Has Improved My Recovery

Trauma Survivors Often Discover Buddhism In my opinion, Buddhism is an excellent way of life for everyone, but particularly for creative professionals and people who seek a serene, recovery way of life because they are healing from something. And, aren’t we all healing from something? There is so much about the beliefs and suggestions for […]