3 Reasons To Quit Smoking Now


Are You Still Smoking: Here’s Why You Should Quit Now Smoking has been banned in so many places, you may feel like an outcast if you’re still sneaking out for a smoke. Once seen as a healthy habit, with cigarettes even being prescribed by medical professionals, society today has a far more comprehensive understanding of […]

Is Your Self-Worth Ruining Your Life


Frequently Asked Questions About Developing a Sense of Self What does it mean to have a sense of self?A sense of self means knowing who you are, what you value, where you find meaning and purpose, and what you’re all about. It literally applies to how you value yourself and your behaviors. Why is it […]

9 Tips To Survive The Night Shift

night shift

Here Are Our Best Tips To Survive The Night Shift The night shift may be when you are needed most. When you’re in healthcare, many a time, you’ll be involved in life-or-death scenarios, so it can make it easy for you to prioritize your job over your mental health. One of the times nurses are […]

6 Tips For Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers

Healthcare Workers Help For Stress And Burnout Healthcare workers face unique challenges as they balance demanding work schedules with the pursuit of further education. The pressure to excel in both arenas can lead to significant stress, which, if not managed effectively, can impact their health and diminish their effectiveness at work and in their studies. […]

This Is How To Stop An Argument Cold

stop an argument

Here’s The Secret To Stop An Argument That Never Fails If you really want to stop an argument, we’ll show you how. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?” Personally, I want to be happy, so learning how to stop an argument with […]

22 Tips For Sober Life This Summer

sober life

Sober Life Does Not Have To Be Boring At first, sober life is tough. You may be used to hitting the clubs and bars, and have friends who do the same. That doesn’t work for most people in their new sober life. But, don’t be alarmed, there’s so much more to life and the truth […]