4 Ways To Stop Codependency


Codependency Warning Signs Can Help You From Relapsing Before I knew what codependency was, I was codependent with everyone. I couldn’t say no when people asked me to do things, I felt bad if someone else felt bad, I was constantly in a cycle of being manipulated and feeling resentful. In recovery, I learned that […]

Did You Know That Gaslighting Is Manipulation


Knowing how gaslighting works and can be used in relationships  helps keep you safe It may not seem like anyone is gaslighting you, but gaslighting can come in different forms. Sometimes those forms are sneakier than we think they can be. Gaslighting is manipulation like when someone, or something, attempts to change reality by presenting […]

Do You Play The What-If Game?

what-if game

If you are anything like us, you play the what-if game all the time The what-if game is when you imagine all the different things that can happen. This would be fine except usually, the ‘what-ifs’ we consider are negative, sometimes even catastrophic, and cause us great distress. Imagining all the things that can go […]

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Prove That We’re All Good And Bad

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

The Johnny Depp, Amber Heard trial proves what I’ve always believed – we’re all good and bad May is Mental Health Awareness month. So, take a moment to consider how well you are and which self you are feeding. I’ll explain more about that in a minute, but let’s start with an example of people […]

Simple Tips To Getting What You Want

getting what you want

Getting What You Want Means Working For It And Believing Let’s begin with the reality that getting what you want requires more than wishing, hoping, and praying. People say that recovery operates by some universal law. Just when you become ready for that something you desperately need, it shows up. Readiness  and being able to […]

Johnny Depp, Amber Heard: Plight of the Famously Insane

Johnny depp and amber heard

Is there anyone who hasn’t seen the news about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? If so, here it is. The two were married briefly and are now embroiled in a very nasty lawsuit basically over who’s a bigger jerk. Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for $50 million dollars over an op-ed she wrote in […]