4 Tips To Manage Your Controlling Mom
Is Your Mom Controlling? Let me begin by saying there’s a difference between a mom who has healthy concern for her daughter and a controlling mom who has to manage everything about her daughter. A controlling mom goes way beyond the normal authority a mother should have around her daughter. A controlling mom can be […]
My Sober Birthday: We Wrote A Book About It
My 16th Sober Birthday: Our Triumph Over Dysfunction My daughter Lindsey and I got sober, launched a website, produced documentaries, broke up for 4 horrible years and when we got back together, we wrote some books. What a spring and summer we have had in my 16th sober birthday year. Our book, The Mother Daughter […]
How To Stop The Self-Sabotage
I’m Recovering From Self-Sabotage So I Know How To Stop The Self-Sabotage First, let me ask you a question. Do you think you self-sabotage? OK, another question, do you know all the ways self-sabotage can manifest? Personally, I didn’t think I engaged in any real self-sabotage because I imagined self-sabotaging as far more egregious than […]
10 Ways To Embrace Your Authenticity
Do You Struggle With Your Authenticity Around Other People To begin, do you know what authenticity refers to? Your authenticity is what’s inside, the real you. The person you are when you feel totally comfortable and at ease to be yourself. For those on the journey of recovery or those who have experienced trauma, concealing […]
5 Tips To Help Heal Your Soul
Ever Wondered If You Need To Heal Your Soul If you’ve ever considered this question you might want to read on. There are a million things that can happen throughout our lives that can cause distress, heartbreak, disrupt our growth, create grief, and require some kind of soul-healing. For many sensitive souls, just living in […]
Mystical Energy Makes Weddings Joyful
Are Their Souls Connected: The Mystical In Your Wedding Marriages, celebrated with pomp and ceremony, have always resonated with a deeper, spiritual significance. Beyond the tangible, a wedding is a mystical juncture where two souls unite, guided by an invisible, yet palpable, force. This article delves into the subtle and often overlooked metaphysical aspects of weddings, […]