Will My Addiction Affect My Divorce Case

Addiction Will Have An Impact On Any Divorce Case If a divorce is in your future, you can benefit by knowing how addiction, either yours or your spouse’s can affect the outcome. We estimate that 120 million Americans alone are directly impacted by a Substance or Alcohol Use Disorder, as addiction is now called. Studies […]
Ghosting and Gaslighting Revisited

Gaslighting And Ghosting Are Destructive And Real The term gaslighting, of course, comes from a mid-century movie in which a husband tried to kill his wife by altering her reality and making her think she was crazy. Ghosting is a new term and began to describe the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone […]
Do You Know What Makes People Passive-Aggressive

Are You Familiar With The Term Passive Aggressive Sometimes people act in ways that make us feel bad but it’s hard to put into words why. It could be passive-aggressive behavior. Passive-aggressive behavior can take many different forms, but some common examples include procrastination, deliberately doing things inefficiently, and making excuses. The term “passive-aggressive” is […]
Know The Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

Sometimes Abuse Becomes So Normal We Don’t Even Know It’s Happening Know this, if you are in an abusive relationship, there is no shame in that and it happens to many people. The main question is, are you safe and are you aware of all the abuse taking place? See, abuse can be confusing. It’s […]
Surefire Ways To Improve Your Relationship

Here’s How To Improve Your Relationship Today If the last few years have miserable, here are some ways to improve your relationship. Let’s be honest, if you’ve been in your relationship for more than a couple of years, it’s safe to assume the bloom is off the rose. We all become real people in time. […]
Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Feeling Sorry For Yourself Doesn’t Help Feeling sorry for yourself can lead to all kinds of woes. It can lead to substance use and relationship difficulties. In short, it becomes a bad habit you might want to break. When I was growing up my father kept a ledger in his head of what I cost: […]