How to Think Like a Narcissist

think like a narcissist

Think Like A Narcissist And Get empowered To React Effectively What does it mean to think like a narcissist. Let’s unpack the situation. Narcissists have a playbook. They can be charming, charismatic, seductive, exciting, and engaging. They can also act entitled, exploitative, arrogant, aggressive, cold, competitive, selfish, obnoxious, cruel, and vindictive. You can fall in […]

Lasting Damage Of A Narcissistic Family

Consequences of A Narcissistic Family

The damage of a narcissistic family is painful, lasting, and difficult to overcome. Here’s why. In a narcissistic family image is the most important thing. It’s all about making the parents and grandparents look good and feel good. To be beautiful, successful, and seen as wonderful people are all that matters. If you are in […]

7 Ways To Get Over Unloving Relationships

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It’s crucial to keep ourselves safe when it comes to matters of the heart, especially when you’re in recovery. Loving relationships have the capacity to bring unimaginable joy to our lives. For me, it can add an element to my life that colors everything else happy. Love is magical, it’s better than any drug. The idea […]

13 Signs Of Toxic Friends

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Can You Recognize The Toxic Friends In Your Life You can meet toxic people in all walks of life — in romantic relationships, at work, and in friendships. Toxic friends are energetically draining, hypocritical, and not worth your time. But it can sometimes be difficult to pick up on the fact they are causing damage. […]

The Act Of Passive Aggression: What To Look For

Passive Aggression

Passive Aggression Is Sneaky War Passive aggression is a sneaky way to hide outright war. Every war, bar brawl or playground smackdown ever fought has resulted from our habit of lashing out first and talking it through only later. But if aggression has one virtue, it’s that it’s unambiguous. It’s hard to misunderstand the meaning […]

Changing The Toxic Family Dynamic

Toxic family dynamic

Are you in a toxic family dynamic without even knowing it? Where I grew up it was common for girls to be raised to care for “The Other Person First.” Any other person. It didn’t matter whether the person you were supposed to care for was mean to you or hurt you. You had to […]