Are You One Of The Ten Most Wanted Enablers

Most wanted poster

There has been a rash of crimes by a well known gang of enablers. They often swoop into a crisis and derail reality by helping their loved one to avoid the consequences of his or her actions. These enablers interfere in the natural process of life.

Domestic Abuse Doesn’t Have To Define You –

Domestic abuse doesn't have to define you

Domestic abuse can be fatal in a family, especially when drugs and alcohol are involved. As a child who bore the brunt of my father’s abuse in my family, and an ex-girlfriend of a violent boyfriend, I’ve some experience of domestic abuse. Here’s the story of how that abuse set me up for intimate partner violence. […]

7 Ways To Independently Love Another

love, red hearts and white lights

Maintaining individuality in a loving relationship requires quite a bit of self awareness and sensitivity all around. If you’re codependent or an adult child of an alcoholic (ACoA), you’re likely to be subsumed by the needs of your loved one. You start by never thinking of your own likes and dislikes. Next, boundaries go out […]

Four Reasons Why People Stay In An Abusive Relationship –

Man in rain umbrella

According to the CDC, one in three women and one in four men have been victims of physical abuse. For one in five women and one in seven men the abuse is severe, yet many take a long time to or simply refuse to leave an abusive partner. Here are four reasons why it’s so […]

What Is Passive Aggressive –

Couple arguing in laundry mat

One of my favorite stories about passive aggressive behavior in a marriage goes like this…“Cash, check or charge?” I asked, after folding the items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet, I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. “So, do you always carry your TV remote?” […]

Fear Stalks Adult Children of Alcoholics

adult children of alcoholics

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Have Deep-Seated Fear In Common Why is fear such a common bond among adult children of alcoholics? More importantly, how do we overcome the terror of so many things that stalk us throughout life? Adult Children Of Alcoholics: Here Are Safe Fears Heights, spiders, tight spaces – they all make me […]