Fentanyl Facts You Should know

Know Your Fentanyl Facts Fentanyl facts explains why fentanyl is so deadly. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that was introduced to medical practices in the 1960s. It was given to patients as an intravenous anesthetic: “Sublimaze”. Doctors don’t often use Fentanyl due to its potency and high addiction rates. However, when used, it proves […]
The Effects Of Heroin

Heroin, also known as diacetylmorphine, is a highly addictive Schedule I drug. It’s a heavily abused, extremely addictive, potent opiate (for more about the overview on heroin, click here). Humans have natural, numerous opiate receptors in the brain. When heroin is taken, it acts as morphine would and blocks the pain receptors – among other […]
Heroin Facts

Heroin Facts You Should Know Heroin facts lists here will give you a basic understanding of the drug. Heroin, also known as diacetylmorphine, is a highly addictive Schedule I drug. It’s a heavily abused, extremely addictive, potent opiate. Some of its street names may include: Dope, smack, H, Junk, Snow, Brown, etc. Processed from morphine, […]
Questions About Marijuana

Since marijuana use seems to be skyrocketing, with the legalization push and use for medical reasons, more questions are beginning to appear. Is it really safe? If I’m around the smoke, will I get high? Here are some frequently asked questions about marijuana and what you need to know. How does marijuana effect my social […]
Long And Short Term Effects Of Alcohol

The long and short term effects of alcohol are significant. They can affect people differently depending on various factors such as age, gender, and weight. Long-term drinking habits can lead to life-threatening, physical health issues. Short-term effects generally occur during a night of drinking either moderately or heavily. The choices made while under the influence […]
All About Alcohol: An Alcohol Overview

Alcohol, also known as booze, bubbly, firewater, joy juice, sauce, and liquid courage, is the most commonly abused psychoactive drug in the US. It’s easily accessed and often displayed in ads and commercials as something “fun,” “refreshing,” or “glamorous.” These marketing tactics make it seem that much more appealing, especially towards younger viewers such as […]