6 Narcissist Family Roles

narcissist family roles

Let’s Learn About Narcissistic Family Roles Narcissist family roles may stick with you your whole life if you don’t understand what happened. You may wonder if you’re in a narcissistic family. Do you have family secrets you can’t ever tell? Maybe you’re a people pleaser or codependent and always end up attached to people who […]

5 Ways To Say No To Victimhood

Woman saying no

Saying no to victimhood is an everyday challenge for those in recovery. Life in recovery is about moving forward no matter how bad you feel. Addiction wants us to accept being and staying empty. That is what addiction whispers to us every day. Let go of all effort. Just stay in bed with that fog. […]

Alcohol Abuse Is The King Of Addictions

alcohol abuse in America

Alcohol Abuse Is Still A Growing Problem On top of the opioid crisis, meth destruction, and other drug horrors, we still have an alcohol problem in this country. In these complicated times, it’s easy to look at alcohol as the lesser of the evils, but let’s not forget that alcohol abuse is at the center […]

Four Reasons Why People Stay In An Abusive Relationship –

Man in rain umbrella

According to the CDC, one in three women and one in four men have been victims of physical abuse. For one in five women and one in seven men the abuse is severe, yet many take a long time to or simply refuse to leave an abusive partner. Here are four reasons why it’s so […]

What Is Khat –

The stimulant plant Khat

Khat, pronounced “cot,” is a highly addictive drug categorized as a stimulant that creates feelings of euphoria. Khat originates from the catha edulis shrub, which grows abundantly in parts of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Cathine, a Schedule IV drug, and Cathinone, a Schedule I drug, are khat’s two active ingredients. The khat leaves […]