Why Child Trauma Is So Tough To Process

child trauma

Adults Need To Know Their Child Trauma Child trauma has lasting impact because we don’t forget and get over the painful effects of abuse, neglect, or heartbreaking incidents. Lasting impact from war, discrimination, addiction, family dysfunction are just some of the ways that our brains are affected. From Dr. Tian Dayton, Forgiving Parents: Breaking the […]

Gratitude for Children Of Alcoholics

Gratitude for children of alcoholics

Gratitude For Children Of Alcoholics: Rethinking Your Life Gratitude for children of alcoholics doesn’t come easy. Feeling gratitude is difficult when there is abuse and neglect in your past. Here are 7 ways children of alcoholics can feel grateful this holiday season from Tian Dayton. How many times have I heard people share that they […]

How The Past Comes Back To Haunt Us

Man dragging anchor

Does what happened in the past stay in the past? Absolutely not. One of the most significant triggers for childhood relationship trauma are adult relationships.

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Life In A Circus

children of alcoholics

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Are Molded For Dysfunction. What does that mean? It means that the elephant in our world is crisis, and all reality is denied from the moment we’re born. Every day is life in the circus. Recovery slogans and sayings abound, comparing addiction to a three-ring circus. These analogies give many adult […]

My Suicide Prevention Plan And Why Some People Need One

suicide prevention plan adobe

You may need a suicide prevention plan and not even know it. Here’s a tough fact, mental illness and addiction are described as insidious and baffling for a reason. They persist even when life is pretty good. When life is unusually bad, they can ignite and become overwhelming. Why does everyone need a suicide prevention […]

What To Do About Lying

Lying to myself

I hate being lied to. I grew up in a den of liars, so as a parent, I refuse to tolerate lying, but that’s easier said than done. My teenage son Keith has lied to me twice in the last 12 hours. Lying Begets Lying Everyone in my family of origin lies. My Mom lies […]