30 Days Sober Has This Affect On Your Body

30 days sober

People Test The Impact Of 30 Days Sober What happens to your body after 30 days sober. We have some answers. April is Alcohol Awareness Month, a good time to remember the advantages of Dry January. What is Dry January? It’s the phenomenon of not drinking for 30 days to experience the impact of sobriety […]

Alcohol Facts Teens In College Need To Know

alcohol facts

Alcohol Facts For Teens Heading To College Teens need to know the alcohol facts to stay safe in college. The thought of sending your teen off to college can be scary. After 18 years at home, suddenly in a new place, far away. Many parents worry about their teen drinking in college because of how […]

It’s More Than A Hangover

It's more than a hangover

It’s more than a hangover when you feel crappy the morning after drinking When you’re a teen or young adult, you may expect to throw up a lot and feel super crappy the next day after a party. When you’re older, you feel even worse. Drinking too much is messy. But what goes along with […]

The 7 Stages Of Alcoholism

Seven stages of alcoholism

7 Stages of Alcoholism and 6 Alcohol Facts you need to know.  Here are some crucial facts about alcohol use in the US, how addiction develops, and how to recover. Alcohol Is Still The King of Substance Use Disorder: Stages Of Alcoholism 6 Alcohol Facts  7 Stages Of Alcoholism  Stages of Alcoholism 1. Abstinence Alcohol […]

Alcohol Math For Girls


Did you know when it comes to alcohol math girls may not be safe at any level of drinking?  It’s biology. Girls are impaired after one drink and drunk after two. Alcohol affects the behavior of your boys, of course, but not to the same degree or with the same adverse consequences. For boys, drinking […]