Tips To Implement Healthy Boundaries

Do You Want Your Relationships To Change For The Better? Boundaries will help you get there! Seriously, adding healthy boundaries to your relationships will make your life so much better and calmer. You see, sometimes we get into unhealthy patterns with the people in our family, friends, or even coworkers. Often what starts as good […]

Treating A Case Of Toxic Anger

Toxic anger

Toxic Anger Can Ruin Your Day Or You Can Let Go Have you ever had poison ivy? It’s a miserable rash that seethes, oozes, and blisters. It spreads quickly and can even scar. A recent brush with toxic anger affected me in a similar way. Here’s what happens when you have a run-in with with […]

Creating Boundaries Creates Peace

creating boundaries

You may or many not have heard about the importance of creating boundaries in relationships We talk a lot about creating boundaries in recovery because they can be so helpful for people who are new to navigating recovery. You see, creating boundaries is the key to healthy relationships. But what does that mean to you? […]

Holiday Boundaries For New Viruses

holiday boundaries keep gatherings peaceful

Holiday boundaries are still needed even in this season of epidemic. It’s still with us even though the world is opening up. Are you still getting together for the holidays? Is Zoom your new way of connecting the family this year? Everything has changed since last year, yet family differences still exist and may even […]

Top 10 Boundary Quotes

Boundary quotes

Our top 10 boundary quotes are a great reminder that you don’t have to do everything everyone else wants you to do. If you are a people pleaser, do you know what it means? What are the people pleasing pitfalls you fall into? Are you codependent? That means you value other peoples needs and wants […]

13 Signs Of Toxic Friends

Toxic-friends adobe

Can You Recognize The Toxic Friends In Your Life You can meet toxic people in all walks of life — in romantic relationships, at work, and in friendships. Toxic friends are energetically draining, hypocritical, and not worth your time. But it can sometimes be difficult to pick up on the fact they are causing damage. […]