Family Addiction Dysfunction: Cleaning Up The Mess

Addiction dysfunction

Addiction dysfunction and chaos are the legacy adult children of alcoholics. We’re going to give the laundry list of traits you may have inherited. Nothing is normal in a family where there is substance or alcohol use because those those substances change behavior and brain function. You already know that, right? You can’t have order […]

Gratitude for Children Of Alcoholics

Gratitude for children of alcoholics

Gratitude For Children Of Alcoholics: Rethinking Your Life Gratitude for children of alcoholics doesn’t come easy. Feeling gratitude is difficult when there is abuse and neglect in your past. Here are 7 ways children of alcoholics can feel grateful this holiday season from Tian Dayton. How many times have I heard people share that they […]

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Life In A Circus

children of alcoholics

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Are Molded For Dysfunction. What does that mean? It means that the elephant in our world is crisis, and all reality is denied from the moment we’re born. Every day is life in the circus. Recovery slogans and sayings abound, comparing addiction to a three-ring circus. These analogies give many adult […]

Questions Children Of Alcoholics Ask Their Therapists

Adult children often ask these questions

“Will I be like my dad?” “My whole family are addicts; does this mean I’ll be one too?” Many children of an alcoholic parent are driven to “not end up like” that parent. Unfortunately, what we resist only persists.  These adult children often create a life that’s fertile for alcoholism or other addictive behaviors. Anxiety, […]