Unrequited Love When Family Members Dislike You

unrequited love

Unrequited Love By Family Members Can Break Your Heart To many people, it may seem crazy that unrequited love from your family is a thing. But, for others, it is a painful reality. Basically, while it isn’t the norm, it does happen that people find themselves alienated from their families and unable to go to […]

Do You Have A Gaslighting Partner

gaslighting partner

You can’t win with a gaslighting partner so learn the signs and how to leave Being gaslighted in a nutshell is being lied to all the time. When you are lied to, you can’t make any healthy decisions about your own life. You can’t grow up and be your own person. It’s hard, if not […]

Ghosting and Gaslighting Revisited

gaslighting and ghosting

Gaslighting And Ghosting Are Destructive And Real The term gaslighting, of course, comes from a mid-century movie in which a husband tried to kill his wife by altering her reality and making her think she was crazy. Ghosting is a new term and began to describe the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone […]

A Peek Inside The Narcissist Playbook

narcissist playbook

Know To Narcissist Playbook To Get And Stay Safe The narcissist playbook is a thing. But, if you know what they are and how to deal with them, you can arm yourself! You see, the narcissist playbook should be your key to escape. There are traits a narcissist has that are different from yours, and […]

Did You Know That Gaslighting Is Manipulation


Knowing how gaslighting works and can be used in relationships  helps keep you safe It may not seem like anyone is gaslighting you, but gaslighting can come in different forms. Sometimes those forms are sneakier than we think they can be. Gaslighting is manipulation like when someone, or something, attempts to change reality by presenting […]

Do You Know The Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

toxic relationship

Do not feel bad if you don’t know the signs of a toxic relationship Most of us do not and end up learning them because we find ourselves in a toxic relationship. First and foremost, you are not alone with your toxic relationship. Second, there is hope of not repeating the cycle. Third, often when […]