Staying Sane In The City With Mental Health Issues

Staying Sane In The City With Mental Illness Staying sane in the city isn’t easy when you have mental health issues. I love New York. I grew up in the city and reside here now. I have spent many happy days ( and nights) running around this magnificent city, but this city is also a […]
Are You Self-Obsessed

And Is Being Self-Obsessed Harming Your Mental Health? Over the years, I’ve met many self-obsessed alcoholics, myself included. Some people are painfully aware that they are self-obsessed, and some have no idea. Personally, I know I’m self-obsessed, or in recovery from self-obsession. But, that’s in part because I’ve had sponsors and therapists who were happy […]
The Habits Of Emotionally Healthy People

Being Emotionally Healthy Is Affects Everything Else Do you ever think about your emotional health? I didn’t until I became emotionally healthy. Once my life became peaceful and I found emotional health, which took years and hard work, there was no turning back. I’d never return to a life of emotional upheaval and pain. It […]
Mental Health Tips For Fall 2022

Make no mistake, everyone’s mental health has been challenged in the last few years I know a lot of people and there is no one I know who hasn’t experienced some kind of mental health challenge–a major life change, loss, illness, family issues, job issues, pet issues, “who am I and what does it all […]
Accepting Bipolar: 4 Tips To Living With It

Accepting Bipolar Disorder Is The First Step To Living With It Accepting bipolar mental illness can be a long process. It’s a common diagnosis and like any disability, learning to live with it and thrive takes skill. The stigma of having a mental illness is the first hurdle to overcome. How will people see me? […]
Can Your Cat Tell If You Are Depressed?

Despite their aloof reputations, cats can tell when you’re depressed. I think. Ever find yourself heartbroken sitting on your couch with a wad of tissues, nothing to watch on Netflix, and when all seems of total despair– your kitty comes up and snuggles you at just the right moment? So, can your cat tell if […]