Mindful Living Promotes Mental Health

mindful living

Mindful Living: Daily Practices for Inner Wellness and Mental Health Mindful living is all the craze for this year. Why are people embracing a new lifestyle to promote inner peace and wellness? We’re glad you asked. In this fast-paced world, it is essential to give our mental health and inner wellness a priority. If you […]

Mindfulness and Faith For Effective Meditation

mindfulness and faith

Mindfulness and Faith: Essential Tips to Enhance Your Meditation Practice Mindfulness and faith are helpful to enhance meditation. Commеncing a meditation journey can bring pеacе, clarity and open-heartedness to your life through thе practice of mindfulness—a prеsеnt-cеntеrеd, non-judging awarеnеss. Howеvеr, for bеginnеrs, it’s еntirеly normal to еncountеr challеngеs in maintaining a rеgular mеditation practice. The […]

Using Mindfulness Healing After Brain Surgery

brain surgery recovery

Mindful Healing Helps After Brain Surgery The road to brain surgery recovery often extends beyond physical healing. Patients grapple with physical pain and a whirlwind of emotions — from uncertainty about the future to concerns about cognitive and bodily changes.  While the medical community excels at addressing the physical aspects of recovery, the mental and […]

6 Mindful Activities To Boost Winter Sobriety

Mindful actitivies

What Are Mindful Activities And How They Can Help If you’re wondering how you can stay sober when winter weather seems to call for drinking, we have some mindful activities to keep you sober. Mindfulness. It’s setting an intention and following through with your thoughts and actions. Mindfulness can change the way you think about […]

3 Ways To Feel Good on Thanksgiving No Matter What

feel good on Thanksgiving

You can feel good on Thanksgiving even if you’re not feeling good in general. Here’s how. Our family traditions are meaningful, and Thanksgiving is a touchstone for family unity, even when it doesn’t exist. For my family, Thanksgiving was always the most important holiday. The religious holidays could cause strife because my family members held […]

New Year’s Resolution

Woodpecker at the feeder

The temperature is -12 outside and my normally can’t-wait-to-go-outside dogs are just plain uninterested in going out; they are content to stay all snuggled and warm inside. The birds, however, are alive with chatter and activity this morning… especially at the big evergreen, where yesterday I hung a dozen peanut butter rolls. The feeder, too, […]