6 Advantages Of Online Therapy

advantages of Online therapy

Advantages Of Online Therapy For Mental Health Services Fast There are many advantages of online therapy to get help for relationship, addiction, and other issues when you live in remote areas, have a hectic working schedule or have transportation challenges. Online therapy has made it possible to help for mental health no matter where you […]

How To Prepare For Your First Mental Telehealth Consult

mental telehealth

Mental Telehealth (which is online therapy) wasn’t new when the Covid pandemic struck, but it also wasn’t the first choice for people who had mental healthcare providers (therapists and counselors) near them whom they could see in person. Mental Telehealth has been on the rise in rural areas, however; and now online therapy is a […]

Brief Therapy: Yes, It’s A Real Thing

Brief therapy

Have you ever heard of Brief Therapy? It could be the answer you’re looking for Recently, there’s been an uptick in people who want to go into therapy but don’t have years, or even months to put into it. It makes good sense because if there are immediate problems that are making you unhappy, you […]

Integrative Psychiatry: A Happiness Plan For Life

integrative psychiatry

Learn How Integrative Psychiatry Can Help You Achieve Your Mental Health Goals Integrative psychiatry is a way to bring all aspects of your mental health together. Did you know that half of the population will need help with a mental illness at some time in their life? It’s not something to be ashamed of. Really. […]

Is Your Brain Healthy? Biological Psychiatry Can Tell

biological psychiatry

Are you afraid of the term psychiatry? Do you wonder if you are ready for the loony bin if you need to seek help? And what kind of help might you need if you’re feeling depressed, are constantly angry, or you’re so anxious about the Covid epidemic you can’t even go out to get food? […]

Could Online Therapy Help You

online therapy

Online therapy: more people are turning to it for relief Online therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, and the mental health consequences of Corona Virus has only increased the need for counseling at a distance. The Telehealth movement of phone or Zoom appointments is booming, and online therapy and counseling is growing, too. […]