Could Online Therapy Help You

online therapy

Online therapy: more people are turning to it for relief

Online therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, and the mental health consequences of Corona Virus has only increased the need for counseling at a distance. The Telehealth movement of phone or Zoom appointments is booming, and online therapy and counseling is growing, too. For millions of people, therapy at a distance has been the only option because help is not nearby, or they don’t have time between 9 and 5 to meet a therapist in person. There are other reasons people are willing to try online therapy. It can be emotionally less challenging to get help in your own home and not have to travel far or wait in someone’s office, or even tell your problems face to face. Do you need help?

Online Therapy: It’s okay to get help if you’re hurting

You don’t have to be diagnosed with a mental illness to need counseling. Right now, if you’re feeling the distress of isolation and relationship issues at close quarters, you’re not alone. No matter where you are, life is not easy. Did you know that 60 percent of Americans will have a mental illness at least once during their lifetime? No one’s life is perfect from beginning to end, but you may not know the symptoms or the difference between feeling uncomfortable and deeply hurting. Whatever is causing your emotional pain, online therapy or counseling may be a solution for you.

Online Therapy Is For Emotional Distress 

Mental illness develops among children and teens from abuse, neglect and other traumas, but can occur at any age. You don’t have to be mentally ill, however, to need help. In fact, you may wonder what is mental illness.

It may not be what you think. Anxiety, depression, Obsessive compulsive disorders and issues with food (either eating too much or too little) are common types of mental disorders.

Addiction, which can accompany depression or an anxiety disorder, is defined as a chronic, relapsing disease of brain reward. Addiction, while not defined as a mental illness, has both physical and psychological components, and if you’re coping with it, you need help to heal.

It isn’t a weakness or betrayal of your family to seek Online Therapy

Feeling that life is out of control and needing support, especially in tough times or trying to cope with a family member’s addiction, is not a mental illness. It’s life telling you to find support in a counselor who understands.

What is Online Therapy

Very well mind describes online therapy like this. Online therapy can occur in real-time, such as in phone conversations and text messaging, or in a time-delayed format, such as through email messages. This type of therapy has limitations, but it is quickly becoming an important resource for a growing number of consumers. There are a number of reasons why a person might choose an online therapy option, including the convenience and accessibility that this delivery method provides. And there are many types of therapists and counselors available.

Primary tools for communicating in online therapy include:

  • Email
  • Text messaging
  • Real-time chat
  • Internet phone
  • Videoconferencing
  • Mobile device apps

Such services may be accessed via a desktop computer or laptop, but mobile apps are also becoming an increasingly popular option.

Does Online Therapy help

Therapy and counseling help. It doesn’t have to be face-to-face therapy, or any one particular kind of therapy or counselor. You may try a few different therapists before you find the one that’s just right for you. Research does show, however, that talking to a professional does lift the burden of holding in emotional pain and pretending to be all right.

Working through whatever you’re struggling with can change your life. You can develop the tools you need to escape toxic relationships, rebuild your life in recovery from addiction, reduce the grief of a lost loved one, or heal from abuse. Be sure that your choice is a licensed therapist and explore online therapy with BetterHelp to explore your options.

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