How To Parent Teens After Sexual Assault
No One Teaches You How To Parent Through An Assault This is a highly sensitive topic, so know if you are uncomfortable with this and unsure of what is right and wrong, you are not alone. If your teen, whether a girl or a boy, has experienced sexual assault, you and your child are both […]
Homeschooling Parents Need Self-Care
Why do homeschooling parents need self-care? Because life was hard enough being a parent with school and help. Now, with homeschooling and many working from home, life is simply non-stop. Also, many are lacking the crucial support they need from school, home help, jobs or anything else that’s been disrupted by Covid-19. But, it can […]
What To Do About Lying
I hate being lied to. I grew up in a den of liars, so as a parent, I refuse to tolerate lying, but that’s easier said than done. My teenage son Keith has lied to me twice in the last 12 hours. Lying Begets Lying Everyone in my family of origin lies. My Mom lies […]