Recovery Quotes: How To Say No

Did you know that you have the freedom to say no? It seems that the word “no” is almost taboo to say. We pile so many tasks on our plate and, when it’s out of hand, we agree to tackle another project. Now, we’re stuck under the stress and anxiety of what feels like one […]
Relationship Quotes: Stable Or Toxic

Is it a stable or toxic relationship? Am I a toxic friend? Is my friendship toxic? It can be hard to tell when you’re not really thinking about the characteristics of your own friendship or relationship. Sometimes, the signs are there, but we’re not too aware of what they actually mean. Here are some key […]
Narcissist Quotes: Anger Defense Or Offense

Anger can be a defense against accusations. This happens frequently in families where there are substance or alcohol use disorders or behavior disorders like gambling. Anger can also be a defense of closely-held opinions or views. We see this anger erupting in politics right now. If you hold an opposing view to a friend or […]
Narcissist Quotes: Narcissists Project Blame

Want to know how narcissists project blame? They can’t accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong. So if something isn’t working and they want control over the situation, they literally put their feelings and blame on you. So it doesn’t matter what you really think or what you’ve done, narcissists will turn whatever you say […]
Relationship Quotes: Healthy VS.Toxic

Healthy vs. toxic friendships – what’s the difference between the two? Sometimes, toxic friends are easy to spot; others, not so much. Like toxic relationships, unhealthy friendships can start out stellar and end with bitter disdain for each other. Those slow-boil toxic friendships can make it difficult to realize the signs of a toxic friendship, […]
Boundary Quotes: Be Yourself

Healthy boundaries help you know who you are and what you want. Is that a surprising idea? Why do we need boundaries, anyway? Those who feel secure and have healthy self-esteem know what they want and can communicate without fear of being battered for speaking up. Healthy self-esteem and healthy family relationships have taught secure […]