4 Tips To Nurture Positive Self Talk

positive self talk

Positive Self Talk Can Overcome The Trauma That Holds You Back Positive self talk can replace the negative tapes that play in your head from traumatic experiences or messages from your childhood. Parents never know which of the things they say will stick in your head forever, breaking your heart over and over. If your […]

Don’t Forget To Love Yourself

love yourself

If You Can Love Yourself In A Healthy Way Life Is Easier There are a lot of people out there doing a great job at work, helping their partners at home, raising kids, and managing responsibilities but feeling uncentered or sad. It’s so easy to forget to love yourself whether you have a big life […]

Healing From Codependency Post Covid

healing from codependency

Healing from codependency offers a brand new opportunity even after the worst of Covid 19 is past. All the issues with new flus and traveling and over helping others are still with us. But just because the major danger is over, we can still use our tools to make a change in our codependent relationships. […]

Tips To Live With A Perfectionist


How I Know That I’m Living With A Perfectionist I live with a perfectionist, which is surprising because I’m not a perfectionist. Or maybe it’s not because my home of origin was highly ordered. Despite the “kookiness,” of my parents, our home was spotless, meals were always served and on time, good grades were important, […]

How To Get Rid Of Nasty Bad Habits

tips to banish bad habits

We all have bad habits and they are nothing to be ashamed of at all! The bigger issue is, do you want to stop your bad habit? If so, there are lots of ways to attack that bugger. But, let’s back up. First, let’s define a bad habit A bad habit is a patterned behavior that has […]

Summer Sobriety: What To Avoid

summer sobriety

Summer Sobriety Gets Easier If You Know What Not To Do Summer sobriety is always a challenge. Certainly, in my active drinking and using days, there was no sobriety in the summer! Summer meant special summer drinks, boozy bar-be-ques, days lost on the beach, you get the idea. But, those are lost memories and leave […]