Tips For Holidays When Your Family Hates You

holidays when your family hates you

Holidays When Your Family Hates You Yes, sometimes you’re going to face holidays when your family hates you. Take it from me, who has a multitude of experience on this subject, that you can be OK on the holidays no matter what your status is with your family. See, I know a lot about how […]

Surviving Holidays When Your Family Hates You

when your family hates you

Holidays When Your Family Hates You If you’re in recovery from an addiction or mental illness, there may be times when your family hates you. They don’t really hate you. They hate the behavior that is ruling you right now. But holidays alone are tough. I know a lot about how to cope with the […]

How To Heal From Childhood Emotional Neglect

childhood emotional neglect

Childhood Emotional Neglect Leaves A Lasting Legacy If you think you may be struggling with damage from childhood emotional neglect, this article does a great job of breaking down what happened and what to do now. This content was originally published here. Physical abuse leaves physical scars, and emotional abuse leaves psychic ones, but what […]

Are Blamers Always Toxic People

Who are the blamers

Blamers can be toxic people who look for faults in others to take control Not all blamers are toxic people, though. Some people are perfectionists who are uncomfortable with anything that doesn’t seem exactly right to them. Discomfort can come when cultural expectations for the way things should be are not met. Perfectionists may be […]