5 Tips To Cope With The News


Managing The News If You’re An Empath  If it feels to you as if all the news is overwhelmingly bad, it may hurt to wake up in the morning. What can you do; how can you stay optimistic? How to drown out the mean and nasty? What can you do about your feelings grief when […]

Get Your Mind Body Link Healthy

mind body link

Mind Body Link: Unveiling The Mental and Physical Health Connection The mind body link is something people want to know more about. It’s trending. People used to say that you are what you eat, but now more people are beginning to believe that your health is connected to what you are thinking and feeling. In […]

Staying Sane In The City With Mental Health Issues

staying sane in the city

Staying Sane In The City With Mental Illness Staying sane in the city isn’t easy when you have mental health issues. I love New York. I grew up in the city and reside here now. I have spent many happy days ( and nights) running around this magnificent city, but this city is also a […]

How To Live With A Drinker When You’re Sober

how to live with a drinker when you're sober

You can learn to live with a drinker if it won’t challenge your own sobriety I learned to live with a drinker and it’s not always easy, but it’s the choice I’ve made. This may not be the right choice for you, so if you feel that living with someone who drinks alcohol is too […]

Mental Health Tips For Fall 2022

the recovery lifestyle

Make no mistake, everyone’s mental health has been challenged in the last few years I know a lot of people and there is no one I know who hasn’t experienced some kind of mental health challenge–a major life change, loss, illness, family issues, job issues, pet issues, “who am I and what does it all […]

How To Get Rid Of Nasty Bad Habits

tips to banish bad habits

We all have bad habits and they are nothing to be ashamed of at all! The bigger issue is, do you want to stop your bad habit? If so, there are lots of ways to attack that bugger. But, let’s back up. First, let’s define a bad habit A bad habit is a patterned behavior that has […]